Friday, December 15, 2017

A Long Time Ago, In a Galaxy Far Far Away.....There were Hurdles

Image result for hurdle

A few times over the past year or two I have written about some of the things you think about when doctors give you "notice."  In my case, the date circled on my calendar was around March or April of this year.  So many things go through your mind, most of them relevant, many of them not.  In my case, as I love to read and especially love to see movies one of the early things that went through my mind was the next Star Wars movie.  You see the release date was December 15, 2018.  About 8 months past my expiration date. 

I don't know why this movie in particular stuck out.  I've seen lots of great stories over the years and while the first episode, 1977 first, is one of my all time favorite movies, I can't say the rest have lived up to that standard.  But Star Wars is for me a sort of measuring stick in my life. I was 20 when the first one was released.  That's a great age for exploration.  Searching the galaxy for storm-troopers seemed like a great adventure.

We all wanted to master the force.  Light sabers were the weapons in favor.  Luke Skywalker's hovercraft had the campus engineers designing cars of the future.  And of course Princess Leah was just waiting to be my queen.  Star Wars has been a part of 2/3rds of my life.  Yoda, Darth Vader, Chewbacca, Hans Solo, and many other characters have been role models in some form or fashion.  And I have stolen many a line from the text.

And so here I am, it's December 15 and Star Wars, The Last Jedi, opened today in our local theaters.  I haven't seen it yet.  I will, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week.  Why no rush?  Reaching this hurdle was important for me.  Crossing it, not so important.  

I need a next hurdle.  Maybe one in December 2020.  Maybe 2025.  I'm not sure.  I'm open to suggestions.  And I won't be trying to reach this next hurdle.  I will make it for sure.

Image result for “Do. Or do not. There is no try.”

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